April Reflections and Favourites

“April Showers Bring May Flowers” – April has flown by and we are now heading into the 5th month of the year which is crazy. The nights are getting much lighter, the flowers are blooming and there are definite signs of Spring/Summer weather.

I always think that April is a nice, friendly month which eases you in gently to Spring weather with occasions like Easter, stirrings of nature and the start of the countdown to Summer.  I have enjoyed many things this month but here are a few I would love to share with you :

Online Shopping – Okay so this one is kind of bitter sweet.

  • I love getting new things to wear but I really do not like the way my bank account looks after it, so I will need to probably try and stop this in May – It has been a lot of fun while it has lasted though!
  •  I have recently been really liking ASOS, Forever 21 and Topshop this month. I’m not usually a big online shopper as I like to try things on and my mum does have a bit of a meltdown when I have a pile of returns, so I generally try to keep it to a minimum. But lucky in some aspects I have actually liked every item I have ordered this month! I also managed to pick up a few discounted items so that made me feel a little less guilty!!


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The Girls Essentials

So here we are again. Another year, a new style, a fresh start. Whatever we may view it as we welcome another Spring/Summer season into our lives, which I believe is as a good excuse as any to have a spring clear out, organise our lives and most importantly gather your essential items for reviving oneself.
Whether gathering your essential items means to you: re-using old favourites, saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new ; or a bit of both – we ALL do it!
As humans we can’t help but be tempted and inspired by the inviting smells of spring daffodils, lighter evenings and warmer weather so we indulge ourselves (and quite rightly so!). I am no different and recently have purchased a few Spring/Summer girly essentials!

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